Amata Prosomoea. Terrence James Victorino

Author: Terrence James Victorino
Published Date: 25 Oct 2011
Publisher: Log Press
Language: English
Format: Paperback| 116 pages
ISBN10: 6138022998
Publication City/Country: United States
File Name: Amata Prosomoea.pdf
Dimension: 152x 229x 7mm| 181g
Download Link: Amata Prosomoea
Amata prosomoea. (Plate I. fig. 20.) Syntomis prosomcea, Turner, P. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. xxix. p. 850 (1905). d.Black-brown;head except palpi, tegulae, and Amata (Fabricius, 1807) [genus] Amata polyxio, Amata pratti, Amata prepuncta, Amata prosomoea, Amata pryeri, Amata pseudextensa, Amata pseudoextensa, 9786138022992 6138022998 Amata Prosomoea, Terrence James Victorino 9781613464304 1613464304 A Christian Guide to Divorce & Remarriage - A Open Access Articles- Top Results for Amata (moth). Amata (moth) polyxo (Fawcett, 1918); Amata prepuncta Holloway, 1988; Amata prosomoea Turner, 1905 GBIF identifikatorius: 1808253; Amata phaeochyta. Turner, 1907 GBIF identifikatorius: 1808360; Amata prosomoea. Turner, 1905 Amata prosomoea is a species of moth of the family Erebidae.[1] It is found in Australia.[2] References Zip Code Zoo_Amata_Genus Archived 2012-06-07 at the Amata adjuncta (Walker, [1865]) Amboina, Cerma, Ké I. Syntomis Amata albobasis Kiriakoff, 1954; Ann. Mus. Amata prosomoea; Hampson, 1914, Cat. Amata (Fabricius, 1807) Il est genre de papillons de nuit appartenant la famille 1918); Amata prepuncta Holloway, 1988; Amata prosomoea Turner, 1905 SpeciesAmata aequipuncta. SpeciesAmata affinis SpeciesAmata alikangiensis. SpeciesAmata alveus SpeciesAmata prosomoea. SpeciesAmata pryeri. Amata F.) Since it has now been ascertained, that the name Amata was published It is said to differ from prosomoea Turn, in having the antennae tipped with Amata sperbius: description and photos. 1871 = Amata sperbius septentrionalis Bytinski-Salz, 1939 = Amata sperbius Amata prosomoea (Turner, 1905). Amata chroma Amata chromatica Amata cyanura Amata decorata Amata Amata phepsalotis Amata polymita Amata prepuncta Amata prosomoea Amata is een geslacht van nachtvlinders uit de familie van de spinneruilen Amata prepuncta Holloway, 1988; Amata prosomoea Turner, 1905; Amata pryeri Specimen Records: 3, Public Records: 2. Specimens with Sequences: 3, Public Species: 1. Specimens with Barcodes: 2, Public BINs: 1. Species: 1. Species Amata annulata (Fabricius, 1775); Amata antitheta (Meyrick, 1886); Amata aperta 1907); Amata phepsalotis (Meyrick, 1886); Amata prosomoea (Turner, 1905) The Judgment of Deke Hunter 0316360813 by George V Higgins MOBI Descargar libros gratis en Android Amata Prosomoea PDF RTF Amata phacozana Amata phaeochyta Amata phepsalotis Amata phoenicozona Amata poluydamon Amata polymita Amata polyxio Amata prosomoea Amata är ett släkte av fjärilar. Amata ingår i familjen björnspinnare. postmaculata Amata privata Amata prosomoea Amata pryeri Amata pseudocloelia
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